Saturday, April 15, 2006

Runs are getting longer - 14.5 km

I wasn’t going out tonight so at 6 pm I thought I’d go for a run. I was going to run yesterday but as things worked out I didn’t.

2006-04-15-GoogleEarthI headed out the door at 6.21 pm (that’s what the Garmin said) only intending for an easier run than the one’s I ran this week.   Low and behold I ran to my plan, running for 14.5 km in a time of 1:09:31 which worked out to a pace of 4:47 /km.   Tonight’s run incorporated the banks of the Werribee River.   On heading out I wasn’t too sure what the lighting would be like down there and as it worked out I could at least see the footpath in front of me.   There’s no street lighting around there.

As per the other night my heart rate was higher than normal For tonight’s run the max was 167 bpm and the avg was 157 bpm. These figures are higher than normal and at this stage I’m putting it down to the fact that I haven’t done that much running over the last three 2006-04-15-Splitsweeks. In any event I didn’t feel like I worked at an increased effort level.

Weather wise it was a little chilly and so I decided to wear my puma tights and a long sleeve shirt. Well, this kept me warm and I had no chill factor whatsoever to contend with.

2006-04-15-HRMr. Garmin played the game tonight, no problems whatsoever. I replaced the battery in the heart monitor chest strap and that did the trick. The old battery was absolutely cactus, so the local watch repairer told me.

Futher details about this run can be found here at Motionbased.

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