Saturday, May 06, 2006

Easy 14 km

I would have preferred to have run a little earlier in the day. But you know what it's like when other things must be done. So at 4.50 pm I was out the door and running my usual route which incoporated the Werribee River. I noticed upon starting out that my right thigh was a little tight but was ok as the run progressed. All I could think of was, "please no injury, Willi Marathon is only three weeks away". The only highlight of the run was passing a young couple walking their dog, Gerry, who was off his leash and seemed to be out of control.A big dog by the way and I've got no idea what brand (or should that be breed). As I was running towards them I was thinking, "here we go". They were yelling at Gerry and explained to me that he won't bite. I took their word for it, well I had no option anyway. As it turned out he didn't. I passed this couple about 10 minutes later, this time Gerry was on his leash. As I ran past I said, "oh no, not Gerry...." Well, it got a laugh from the couple. All up I ran 14.41 km in a time of 1:12:46 which works out to a pace of 5:03 /km. My maximum and average heart rates were 151 and 138 respectively. My YTD figures puts me at 990.6 km so I reckon I'll crack the grand tomorrow (Sunday - my long run). Stats as of 6 May 2006
Today : 14.4 Prev 7 Days : 92.9 Prev 28 Days : 231.8 MTD : 62.8 YTD : 990.6 Month Avg : 198.1 Week Avg : 52.1 Total (2001) : 8731.7

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