After yesterday's effort (30 km) I was really energy sapped all last night and during the afternoon today. Wasn't so much this morning as I was on the go and really didn't have time to think about it.
I had planned to get a run in today and had my bag packed and with me at work. This morning I was as keen as mustard and in the afternoon I was having second thoughts. I was considering going home first and then hitting the streets. This option, for today, was fraught with danger in that having to catch a train home (40 - 45 mins) and in my already tired state is not very conducive to eventually hitting the streets a few hours later. Even though I was tired I eventually decided, "bugger it - just go and do it". So I did.
I'd been inside all afternoon and didn't notice the weather deteriorate, if I had I probably would have cancelled the whole deal. So, I was out in Fawkner Park just off Commercial Rd doing my stretching whilst the Garmin was locking on the satelites. It pelted down and I was off passing the rugby training group. I was out now and surely the rain wasn't going to last. Well it did. For the entire run barring about 10-15 mins it was torrential. The 10 - 15 mins when it wasn't it was that misty, drizzly, I'm getting ready to bucket down again type rain.The run was one of my now usual runs from Fawkner Park. To Anderson St, crossed the Yarra and followed it to Mac. Robertson Bridge, crossed the Yarra again and returned up Anderson St and back to Fawkner Park. The overall distance was 11.61 km (Mr. Garmin said so) for a time of 54:37 which works out to a pace of 4:42 /km. My heart rate max and avg readings were 162 / 145.
Considering I was really tired to start with I was quite happy with tonight's run. I felt strong and in no way energy sapped. I'm now starting to think this whole sense of being tired might just be in my mind.
I've check my splits using SportTracks and the 5 km splits indicate that I was getting stronger as the run progressed. The first 5 km my average pace was 4:49 /km (avg hr 141 bpm) and for the econd 5 km my average pace was 4:34 /km (avg hr 148 bpm).
I've since found out that Stu Mac spotted me running up Anderson St about 5.20 pm. Yes Stu, that was me. Apparently he was about 50 metres behind running to his plan. We should make a date and have a decent run together either around the Tan/Yarra area or back home in Hoppers.
Stats as of 1 May 2006 Today : 11.6 Prev 7 Days : 84.1 Prev 28 Days : 180.7 MTD : 11.6 YTD : 939.4 Month Avg : 187.9 Week Avg : 49.4 Total : 8680.5
hi, I need help with the phrase "keen as mustard." lol
Sounds like a great recovery run after your long Willi run, well done. I must admit I too wonder if I should go home and then run the local streets, I'm happy I didn't, a lot more company moving around the Tan, doing progressive laps.
I was originally considering running the Yarra upto Mac Robertson, but as I didn't get out till late I decided to stick where some lights are.
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