Date/Time of Run | Saturday 11 February 2006, 8.04 am. |
Location | You Yangs ( |
Distance | 26.49 km |
Time | 2:23:08. (includes stopped time of 10:31) |
Pace | 5:24 /km |
Heart Rate Max/Avg | 162 / 138 |
Weather | 15.5 deg Celsius, overcast. Wind W 8/12 kts. RH 60%. QNH 1015. Temp rising to 18.8 deg Celsius. |
More data | |
Exercises | Nil |
Equipment | Garmin Forerunner 301, mobile phone, fuel belt (water and home-made energy gel). |
Weight | 76.5 kg |
Stats as of 11 Feb 2006 | km’s |
Prev 7 Days | 88.4 |
Prev 28 Days | 286.4 |
Feb 2006 | 121.3 |
YTD | 432.7 |
Month Average 2006 | 216.4 |
Weekly Average 2006 | 61.8 |
Total (2001 – to date) | 8173.8 |
Thread notice
On Monday night just gone I posted a thread (Cool Running and AusRun) inviting anybody/everybody to this mornings run at the You Yangs. Morley and I discussed this on the Sunday before, on our scheduled fortnightly run at Williamstown.
The morning of
I prepared everything last night, running gear, Garmin, Energy Gel (home-made) and water bottles filled and in the fridge.
On getting up I had a quick breakfast and then went into checklist mode. Fuelbelt – check, water bottles – check, energy gel – check, Garmin – check, HRM chest strap – check, conductive gel – check, Vaseline – check, towel – check, change of shirt – check, snakes – where are the snakes – have to buy them on the way.
Arrive You Yangs
We all arrived at the You Yangs about the same time and shortly afterwards the park ranger opened the gate.
Glen came with me this morning packing his bike in the back of the car. He was our official/unofficial photographer.
Today’s starters were:-
- Ray (Shuffleupagus)
- Martin
- Mike
- Andrew (Whippet Man)
- Morley
- Steven (me)
- Colin
- Robert (Rogo)
- (Names above L-R in photo)
Briefing just prior to the run and an executive decision made. The course on the menu started with running in a clockwise direction of
Clockwise (Lap 1)
Just on 8.04 am, according to my Garmin, we headed off. Initially we were all together and eventually broke into groups of four and then two as the hills steepened. It was Robert and Martin leading the pack, followed by Mike and yours truly. Behind I could see that there were two groups of two.
At the crest of the first lap, Robert and Martin were there waiting for us. The four of us then commenced the downhill section. The other four were not that far behind.
A few minutes later on a down hill section, I was running at a decent pace, I had to put the brakes on as my shoe laces were loose. I forgot to double knot them (note to self - add this to the check list). As I was tying my laces I heard heavy footsteps approaching, it was the flash, er sorry, Whippet Man, he was flying. Upon tying my laces I caught up to Andrew (Whippet Man) and we ran together to the half-way point (car park where we started). I think Andrew slowed somewhat at this point.
In the briefing it wasn’t clear where the half-way turn-around point would be. It was left, "we’ll decide at the time". Anyway, using Glen as a messenger, he passed on the message to the others behind that the car park was to be the turn-around point.
I was surprised and impressed with Glen. He kept up and the hills were not such a problem for him as they were on his first visit. I told him that he didn’t have to ride the second lap if he didn’t want to. He was adamant, he was going to ride it.
At the turn-around point we waited for the others to roll in.
It was at this point that Mike and Martin called it quits and no problems with that. I think both of them came from Williamstown. Mike has run with us before at Williamastown.
We were stopped for about 10 minutes, Robert a little longer. This was probably a little too long a stop.
Anti-clockwise (Lap 2)
On the second lap we ran it in reverse direction, anti-clockwise. I stayed with Morley for a short distance as the other four were gaining distance ahead. Morley then gave me the go-ahead to run at my pace. A short time later I started easing ahead keeping the four in front in view. I was gaining on them. Not sure how long it took but I eventually caught the four. At this point we were yet to arrive at the killer, long, slow, rising hill.
Well, that killer, long, slow, rising hill arrived. Robert then showed us what he’s made of. I think he’s run a few hills before, because he was off and left us in his wake. Andrew (Whippet Man) and yours truly were running together up this hill and at times walking together. Slowly but surely Colin passed us and that was the last I saw of him, and Robert, until the finish. Well not quite right I could see them in the distance at various stretches but for all intents and purposes there was no way I’d catch them.
Andrew and I reached the crest or top of the hill together. We started running the downhill section fairly quickly. I don’t know what happened next, but flash, er sorry, Whippet Man, found extra gears and he was off. I tried to keep up but I was like an old car with bad suspension trying to drive too fast, just too unstable. I reckon if I’d pushed myself harder the chances of falling over increased exponentially. I just had to let him go.
At this point I ran by myself until the finish where Glen and Robert took some happy snaps. I came in at 2:23:08, not bad, for me that is, considering that included a 10 min stop at the half-way mark.
The others filed in one by one and happy snaps taken by Glen and Robert.
A great day was had by all and I’m sure we’ll do this again, whether here or elsewhere. I was surprised by the distances travelled to get there. This wasn’t just a Westie’s event; the group came from all over the place, Lilydale, Mooralbark, Torquay,
Robert gave me two maps of the area, thanks for that.
Another stat is that half the group were wearing Garmins. It’s the most Garmins I’ve seen in one place.
| Graphs and Charts |
Route | |
Splits | |
Heart Rate | |
Elevation | |
Weather |
Great stuff Steve, as you know I have run there many times, but never 2 laps, I normally add on to the one lap with running on the horse trails.
Twice up the hills would probably be more than my confidence could take!
Top piccies Steve. How good is CR that you can get something like that organised!
It sure looks like a great surface to run on, must be gentle on the body. Pity about the hills tho ;-)
Nice run Steve - sounds like fun -well done ;-)
AndrewinOz and I ran 2 laps against the traffic (anti-clockwise) on Sunday, although at a much slower pace. Lovely morning for it. Very happy to make it around twice without stopping!
I then did an additional run up to the Turntable carpark, then up (and down!) the 450 steps to Flinders Peak. What a killer!!
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