Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sun 5 Feb 2006 - Williamstown CR Run 23 km

Date/Time of Run

Sunday 5 Feb 2006, 7.04 am


Williamstown Foreshore (start and finish at Newport Athletics Track)


23.28 km




5:28 /km

Heart Rate Max/Avg

141 / 130


16.1 deg Celsius. Overcast. Wind ENE 5/7 kts. RH 69%. QNH 1018

More data





Garmin Forerunner 301, mobile phone, Fuel Belt (Gatorade)


76.0 kg

Stats as of 5 Feb 2006


Prev 7 Days


Prev 28 Days


Feb 2006




Month Average 2006


Weekly Average 2006


Total (2001 – to date)


Another Cool Running organised run starting and finishing at the Newport Athletics Track – tracking along the Williamstown Foreshore.

Five runners turned up:-

  • Morley
  • RepoMan
  • Awiseman
  • Williamstown Runner (has run with us before, cannot remember his name); and
  • Yours truly

Three of us wearing the mandatory CR caps.

Weather wise it was perfect for a long run, maybe the earlier start of 7 am is paying off.

A nice and relaxed constant pace for the entire run, a pace where good conversation had.

About the 49 min mark RepoMan reached his turn-around point and headed back (catch you next time Repo…)

At the 10.7 km mark on approaching the loop section Willi Runner reached his turn-around point and headed back.

That left the three of us (Morley, Awiseman & me). At this point I’m told that the loop section we were tracking along use to be a race track many years ago. Apparently Phar Lap once (maybe twice) raced there.

I didn’t carry any energy gel today and just relied upon Gatorade Sports Drink. Usually on these runs and longer I carry gel. Well, the real reason I didn’t is that I was too lazy to make it last night. Towards the end of the run, about 4 or 5 k’s to go I was feeling a little drained, more so than usual. I’m wondering whether not consuming any gel contributed to this. Also, at the same time my stomach was queasy and I really wanted to do you know what. Did one factor lead to another factor and the end result being that it wasn’t a gel factor after all? Did that make sense?

You Yangs

I ran it past the group about a run at the You Yangs. Both Morley and Awiseman are interested in a double loop (run the track twice) which equates to about 26 km. I’ll organize it later this week for a run on either Saturday or Sunday. The determining factor being the weather; the cooler the better.

Distance discrepancy

My Garmin indicated a distance of 23.40 km and that is what I told Morley and Awiseman. After uploading the data to SportsTracks and Motionbased the distance is recorded as 23.29 and 23.28 km respectively. Since I use SportsTracks as my primary training software (that’s where I grab all my charts and graphs) I’ll use that distance for my log book. Then the graphs and charts are consistent with the run summary above.

Graphs and Charts



Heart Rate



Anonymous said...

Running next to the water in 16° weather. This gives me some inspiration in the middle of a bitter South Dakota winter. I know the warm weather will be back here one day!

Spark Driver said...

I have heard that the Wiliamstown race track is the only track that Phar Lap raced at that is no longer there.

Hows that for some useless trivia?!?