Stats as 4 Dec 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Sun 4 Dec 2005 - Brimbank Park (Cool Runners) Run 23 km
Location : Brimbank Park. Time of Run : 8.05 am
Distance : 23.26 km
Time : 2:05:16
Pace : 5:23 /km
Heart rate Max : 164
Heart rate Avg : 134
Roll call
Morley - present
Travis - present
Grasshopper - present
Me - present
I was the last one to arrive this morning just on 8 am and I could see that they (Morley, Travis & Grasshopper) were ready to rumble. They were polite enough not to complain about waiting.
As quickly as I could I was off with my track suit, turned on Mr. Garmin, applied saliva to my heart strap and chest, heart strap on - nice and snug, checked Mr. Garmin, satellites acquired and ready, Mr. Garmin placed on left wrist, fuel belt on with 4 bottles of water and gel (homemade). I really should make a check list, felt like a pilot about to take-off.
It was a nice easy pace today and right from the start I was filling them in about my Two Bays Trail event last Sunday. Morley actually read my blog last night and commented, "have you got your keys".
It's amazing how far you can travel and not notice that you've traveled so far when talking, the company was great and good conversations had.
Travis mentioned that his goals for 2006 are to run a few half-marathons and end the year running a 6 hour event. He didn't mention which or where that was, but I'm sure he'll do it. He seems to be a determined sort and given some more distance runs he'll blitz us. He mentioned in a Cool Running thread a few days ago that he wouldn't be running with us today. It didn't dawn on me at this morning why he ended up running with us today.
Morley mentioned that he's aiming for the Williamstown Marathon early next year and use that as a tester for the Melbourne Marathon in October. Any problems he detects running the Williamstown Marathon he can fix and adjust in training for the Melbourne Marathon. He didn't actually put it like that to me, but that's how I interpreted it.
Grasshopper (sorry - forgotten your real name) ran with us to about the 45 min point and she turned around. She only wanted to do a 90 min run today on advice from her coach, Pat Carroll. She's going to do a heap of intense speed work tomorrow.
With all this chatting we were already 45 mins into the run, albeit at an easy and comfortable pace.
As Grasshopper left us, "And then there were three".
Today's planned run was to follow the same track as last time (two weeks ago) but extend it about a kilometre to the Canning Street Reserve, therefore making it a 23 km run. As we got to the 8 km marker (about 10.5 km run - turn-around point last time) Travis bid us farewell and turned around. He only wanted to get a 21 k'er in today.
And then there were two.
Morley and I continued on to the Canning Street Reserve about a kilometre further on and turned around.
As mentioned it was a nice easy pace today but when I hit the hill at the end I couldn't help myself, I had to attack it. It was at this point I got my max heart rate reading of 164, take that out of the equation and I think the max was in the high 150's. Overall though my average was 134 consistent with an easy pace.
It appears that all of us, except Travis, will be running the Williamstown 10 k'er event next Sunday. Something to look forward to.
Next Group Run
The next group run will be at Williamstown in two weeks, December 18. After that we'll have a break from Christmas and probably commence mid to late January.