Sunday, November 13, 2005

No workout today - The week ahead

Only read this entry if you really have nothing else to do. Surely there is a good ad you could be watching or even a half decent movie. Okay, yesterday I planned to run about 12 or 15 km today. Well, I didn't. I was up early 6.30 am watching Australia lose to Uruguay 1-0. Going to bed late and up early is not a good training combination - so I didn't (train). The Week Ahead Next Sunday I'll be ruuning in the Cool Runners 2nd Brimbank Park group run (21 km) , same place, same time. So on Wednesday I'll try and get a 15 km run in after work. Most likely around the Yarra River and The Tan. Other days my runs will be around the 7 - 8 km. I'll decide on the day whether fast, slow, fartlek or whatever. All I'm committing to at the moment is that I want to get a 15 km run out of the way before Sunday's run.
Stats Weight 78.0 kg

1 comment:

Tesso said...

I do have something else to do (I'm at work) but reading blogs is way more interesting :-)