Time of Run : 4.45 pm
Distance : 15.21 km
Time : 1:19:51
Pace : 5:15 /km
Max HR 203 (??)
Avg HR 143
Weather : Hot about 32
All the data can be found here.
Today's run was very exhausting. The weather was hot, about 32 degrees and a reasonable northerly wind. Hook or by crook I wanted to get 15 k's out. I'm not really sure why I had to get 15 k's done tonight. On hindsight maybe I should have just gone with a casual 8 k'er or no run whatsoever.
I was prepared, I wore my fuel belt carrying heaps of water and an energy gel (homemade) which I made full use of out on the road and down by the river.
Considering the heat I wasn't bothered with a fast pace or any type of fast/slow/fast/slow routine today. Just another run to claim the k's for my database and maintaining fitness.
Early in the run Mr. Garmin beeped a few times telling me my heart rate was too high at 203. I've got no idea why I had such a high heart rate so early in the run. It was within the first kilometer. After this I didn't hear a peep out of Mr. Garmin and on perusing my heart rate graph it was fairly steady, averaging out at 143.
About the 11 k mark I was really feeling it running north along Tarneit Rd into a headwind. My stomach was queasy and my pace slowed even further. The uneasiness in my stomach stayed with me for the entire length of Tarneit Rd about 2.5 km.
Well I finished the run and then pumped out a 100 sit-ups. I really didn't feel like doing the sit-ups and when I got to a hundred I thought, "that's it, enough". Normally I like to get 200 sit-ups done, but today I was stuffed.
As I write this a few hours later I'm extremely tired, even after a decent pepper steak, potatoes and salad. I'm drinking heaps of water trying to stay hydrated. I can feel light-headedness coming on. Must drink heaps of water.
Stats as 1st Dec 2005
Weight : 77.6 kg
Last 7 Days : 77.9 km
Last 28 Days : 234.6 km
December 2005 : 15.2 km
YTD : 2127.3 km
Weekly Avg (2005): 43.4 km
Monthly Avg (2005): 177.3 km
Yearly Avg (2001 on): 1493.0 km
Total (2001 on): 7464.8 km
Big run in the heat Steve - pretty good pace too.
Make sure you suck in that H2O :-)
Re - Go Girl's comment
Once the Google Earth image is saved, I open it up in a graphics package, in my case I use "Snag It" a screen capture program which has an editor as well. It's merely a matter of selecting lines with arrows and place them where you want.
Basically a two part process. First from Motionbased website transfer to Google Earth. From Google Earth save the image. Open the image in a graphics software package and edit to your heart's content.
I've just opened the image in Microsoft Paint and noticed there is no option for arrows there.
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