Date/Time of Run | Sunday 12 March 2006, 8.17 am |
Location | You Yangs ( |
Distance | 26.21 km |
Time | 2:25:21 |
Pace | 5:32 /km |
Heart Rate Max/Avg | 164 / 142 |
Weather | 14.7 deg C. Wind ENE 7/10 kts. RH 86%. QNH 1011. At end of run temp was 33.6 deg C. |
More data | |
Exercises | Nil |
Equipment | Garmin Forerunner 301, fuel belt, mobile phone, energy gel. |
Weight | 76.7 kg (+0.9 kg from yesterday) |
Stats as of 12 Mar 2006 | km’s |
Today | 26.2 |
Prev 7 Days | 67.2 |
Prev 28 Days | 198.4 |
Mar 2006 | 116.8 |
YTD | 647.3 |
Month Average 2006 | 215.8 |
Weekly Average 2006 | 58.8 |
Total (2001 – to date) | 8388.4 |
Another group run at the You Yangs. During the week there were seven possible starters but most dropped like flies when the forecast for today was a hot one. That left three of us, Shane (Wilco), Morley and me. My first time running with Wilco. He traveled all the way from Burwood and actually arrived heaps early. He miscalculated how long it would take him. Anyway he got a 4 km run in before we arrived.
As we were about to head off, just after the obligatory photo shoot, Repoman wandered over having just finished one lap and a small trail. He started at 7 am.
At 8.15 am when we started the weather wasn’t that warm and actually some cool breezes. The first lap wasn’t that bad as far as the heat was concerned and I more or less ran it quite comfortably. Not as fast as Wilco though. He knows how to run and run fast.
Between laps we stopped at the car park for water intake and for me it was about a 2:00 min stop (according to Mr. Garmin) but it actually felt a little longer than that.
The second lap was a little different. We ran it in a clockwise direction, reverse of the first lap. I stayed with Wilco for only about 2 or so km before he kicked on or I slowed down, maybe a little of both. I did slow down though and just let Wilco forge on. At this point I was not that far in front of Morley.
I negotiated the hills and they were really taking there toll. It was getting warmer. I ended up walking for a little distance near the top of the hill when two kids came screaming down the other way. The second one stopped and asked for some water, I couldn’t say no, I had heaps and he drank half of one of my flasks. No mouth contact with the flask, he just squirted the water into his mouth. I told him he could drink all of it, he just thanked me and got on his way.
On the downhill’s I was stuffed and couldn’t even get a decent pace going. About 4 km to go I was taking a drink stop or rather a drink walk when out of the blue Morley jogged by and we ran to the finish together.
Wilco finished in a time of just over 2 hours and we came home 25 mins later. Thanks for waiting Wilco.
Regarding the weather at 11 am it reached 33.6 deg Celsius.
For the rest of the day I was energy sapped (stuffed) and couldn’t even be bothered writing this blog.
(No photos or graphs just yet - not wanting to play the game - will upload during the week)
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