Friday, November 11, 2005

Sick Day (oh - and some plans)

Well I had a terrible nights sleep, bloody headache (eye-strain) kept me awake for ages. The headache was with me (and still is) all day. So out the window with any type of training today. That's 2 days in a row without running. Oh well, these things happen. This is my last day of holidays (had 2 weeks off), basically did nothing productive all day, except surf around the internet (Cool Running & Blogging sites). Planned Group Run I've tentatively committed to run the "Two Bays Trail Run - (VIC) - FatAss" on 27th November 2005. Details can be found at this thread on the Cool Running website. The run starts at 8 am from Anthony's Nose Boat Ramp, Dromana (75 km from Melbourne) for 28 km to Cape Schanck Lighthouse car park, Cape Schanck. The return trip will make it 56 km. I'm thinking of running the 28km. The organiser, Virtual Runner, has offerred to collect the 28km runners from Cape Schanck and drive us to the start at Dromana - this certainly helps with logistics. This was my main concern. If I do run it, it means that I'll have to be up very early and leaving home around 6 am to arrive at Cape Schanck about 7.20 am. Energy Gels Also messed around with my homemade energy gels. Have figured out that I need to add more sodium component to the mix. Yesterday, I came across Saline in the supermarket; this is packed with sodium, 425mg per 100g. I'll need to seek some proper advice but I believe I could substitute the sports drink powders (either Gatorade, Staminade or Gastrolyte) with Saline. I have yet to make a mix (sound like a druggie) with Saline. I'll do that on the weekend. Stats: Weight : 77.8 kg (up 0.6 from yesterday). Until next time...


Tesso said...

That's the the worse thing about holidays from work, they end. Bummer.

Wow, looks like an awesome course for the Two Bays run!

2P said...

Sounds like a great way to end you holiday (sans the headache that is).

Two Bays looks awesome.