Steve, we are thinking of buying the forerunner 301 tomorrow. Can you let me know if you have time, if it's easy to work and do you find it fairly accurate? Would you buy it again or try something else? thanks so much
Response I purchased my 301 in September 2005 and have used it for every run since. It is relatively easy to work out and the buttons are clearly labelled and relatively big (compared to traditional buttons on normal watches). The display is on the large side, a plus, in my book. The device itself is large and some refer to it as a briefcase. After a few runs the size of the device is not an issue, it's something you get use to. Is it accurate? Well, it gets very close to being accurate. If all your runs are under heavy/thick tree coverage then the GPS signal will either be weak or lost. If you are running a straight line and lose the signal and eventually pick up the signal 2, 3 or 5 mins later the distance recorded will be correct, it's simply a straight line calculation for the device. That is not the case if you have turned a corner. The straight line calculation will cut the corner (be a lesser distance). The above also applies to running next to tall buildings. I wouldn't even bother running through Melbourne CBD and expect the device to receive GPS signals. Apparently the problem is due to the fact that the aerial of the device is on the underside and not facing skyward. The new 305 unit addresses this problem. In relation to the HRM side of things I had some dramas with the 301 not receiving heart rate information. Prior to the 301 I used a Polar S610 HRM (it's still my day to day watch) and used that since 2001. I never experienced any HRM problems with the Polar. Over the last few weeks I've not had any problems with the HRM. The things I changed to address the problem:-- Tightened the chest strap (tighter than when wearing my Polar HRM)
- Now use conductive gel
That's a great help Steve, thanks heaps for that. We are also wondering about waiting for the 305 but no-one in SA seems to know how long it will take - although the coolrunning site says a few weeks. I am not too good at waiting so looks like the 301 is the way to go
Thanks again
As for the recipe...YES PLEASE. I was going to ask about that next as I saw it mentioned in your Jan 22 post
A very accurate appraisal of the 301 Steve - my experience is that on most point to point or out and back runs (that have the normal meanderings of most runs) that pass through built up urban areas or bush the 301 generally measures slightly short. For track work the Garmin measures waaaay long (not sure as intuitively you would think the reverse would be true).
As you say for straight lines or where their is a consistantly good view of the sky it is very accurate.
A girl running my benefit from knowing that Prosportwatches (US) will be shipping Garmin 305's during 2nd week in Feb.
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